Written by: 
Dianor G. Kasim

The Research Advisers’ Assembly shines as a source of knowledge and cooperation in the quest for academic excellence. The assembly, which took place in the JBB-AVR on December 1, 2023, is a meeting of the minds committed to improving science and art in the field of research and development.

Setting the tone, Mrs. Jolai G. Bolaños discussed the necessity of retraining research advisers. Her talk explains the rationale behind this crucial change, highlighting the advisers' responsibility to adjust to changing research approaches. 

Mr. Nero Hontiveros took the stage and discussed the nuances of the APA 7th Edition and the IEEE referencing format. Advisers and instructors benefit from insightful information on how to help students navigate the complex rules of citation, guaranteeing that academic work satisfies the highest requirements.

Introducing a distinct viewpoint, Dr. Honeylyn Mahinay concentrates on the DLSU Master Class. Through the in-depth probe of Dr. Mahinay, the research advisers were re-acquainted with the ethical principles of research principally concerning the participants and have gained access to cutting-edge trends reshaping the academic scene through the discussion.

Sir Sajed Mamalampay concludes the gathering by re-echoing more viewpoints on the DLSU Master Class. One of the key points highlighted by Sir Mamalampay was the essence of teaching research solely by researchers. Moreover, research should be taught by expert individuals in the field of research to help academics navigate the always-changing field of scholarly inquiry.

The Assembly of Research Advisers provides a forum for ongoing education and cooperation and sheds light on the concerns associated with the research manual and format and reasons behind the adoption of IEEE of the CITE department. This gathering is more than just a gathering; it is evidence of the dedication of mentors and educators to remain up-to-date with advances in research techniques.


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